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Journey Android

Embark on the journey of self-improvement towards better qualities of love, life and health. Trusted by millions of users, Journey is your perfect journaling companion that keeps your private memories for a lifetime.

Android 6.0 Permissions

For devices running Android 6.0 with Journey v1.13.0, users are able to control which permissions to grant for an app. Refer to the full description on Android runtime permission here. Journey will require several critical permissions in order for it to work:   Contacts: Get Accounts  This permission is required to sign in to your Google Drive account (Not…

Publish to WordPress

From version 1.12.1 onwards, you can publish entries to WordPress. WordPress.com If you are using wordpress.com, enter your wordpress.com username and password. Then in the URL field, enter https://<blog_url>.wordpress.com/xmlrpc.php. You can refer to the official WordPress help page for more information. Take note: The protocol is https:// not http:// Self-hosted WordPress If you are using self-hosted WordPress,…

Note to Self

1. Say “Ok Google” 2. Say “Note to Self” 3. Say the message that you want to record 4. Look out for the Journey icon. If it shows other apps (e.g. Google Keep), you need to press the ellipsis button to change to Journey. 5. Messages will be converted into text and saved into Journey Android Wear Android Device…

Printer Spooler not working

Journey uses Android Printing framework for Printing / PDF export. The Printing framework crashes when it handles huge amounts of data (especially images). “Unfortunately, the Print Spooler has stopped working” We attempt to compress the images before sending to the printing framework. This would minimise the frequency of force closing.   The solution to minimise…