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Journey Android

Embark on the journey of self-improvement towards better qualities of love, life and health. Trusted by millions of users, Journey is your perfect journaling companion that keeps your private memories for a lifetime.


Journey obtains the weather data from our data provider Open Weather Map. The weather data obtained may be delayed data of up to 4 hours, depending on your location. Weather Historical Data: Technically, our data provider Open Weather Map provides historical data of up to 1 week. However, it may not available in all of the locations. Changing degree Celsius to…

Deleting Entries

To delete an entry, scroll to the entry, and press the overflow menu (3 dots on top-right corner). Press “Edit”. In the editor mode, press “delete”. Warning! Deleted entries cannot be retrieved. Clearing hidden in-app data: To remove hidden in-app data, you have to do it from Google Drive. Go to http://drive.google.com. Press “Settings” (Gear icon),…

Import Entires

Currently, Journey supports importing from these journal apps: Journey DayOne Diaro (Please do not enable the encryption option) Evernote To import, press Menu (3 horizontal lines on top-left corner) > Press “Settings” (Gear icon). In “Settings”, look for import and click on it. Select the backup which you would like to import. Warning! Your previous entries…