Import Day One Classic & 2.0

Day One Classic

Method 1 (Import from Dropbox)

  1. Your Day One Classic should be synchronised with Dropbox
  2. In your desktop, find the Day One folder in Dropbox > Apps > Day One
  3. ZIP or compress the Day One folder. It should be named as “Day”
  4. Transfer the ZIP into your device storage
  5. Open Journey
  6. Go to Settings
    • Access settings from the left navigation menu (Android)
    • Press the settings icon (Desktop)
  7. Scroll to “Import”
  8. Select “Day”

Method 2 (Import from Backup File)

  1. Open Day One Classic
  2. Press “File” > “Back up journal”
  3. Go to “Preference” > “Backup” > “Show backups folder in Finder”
  4. Transfer the ZIP into your device storage
  5. Rename to “Day”
  6. Open Journey
  7. Go to Settings
    • Access settings from the left navigation menu (Android)
    • Press the settings icon (Desktop)
  8. Scroll to “Import”
  9. Select the backup zip file (i.e. “Day”)

Day One 2.0

  1. Open Day One 2.0
  2. Export journal to JSON
    • Rename filename to: 1 Entries -
  3. Transfer the ZIP into your device storage
  4. Open Journey
  5. Go to Settings
    • Access settings from the left navigation menu (Android)
    • Press the settings icon (Desktop)
  6. Scroll to “Import”
  7. Select the backup zip file ( i.e. 1 Entries - )

Warning! Your previous entries may be overwritten. Also, you may have duplicates if you import the same backups multiple times.

Jeromy has written 43 articles

Founder, web developer, designer and support team